WZG-6B Seismic Wave Velocity Tester
![Seismic Wave Velocity Tester WZG-6B Seismic Wave Velocity Tester (2)]()
WZG-6B is developed based on WZG-24 engineering seismograph which is English WINDOWS based and 24-bit. It embodies not only the seismograph design experiences of our institute, but also the modern electronic technique and design ideals. It is of multi-function, high-precision, high-speed, high-reliability and fine expansibility. It is truly a refined one of all kinds of seismographs.
Industrial computer or laptop computer is required for operation through simple connection of USB port. Built-in rechargeable battery can ensure more than 8 hours work. Seismic source can be hammer, electric spark or dynamite, so that it is fitted for surface wave exploration, shear wave velocity test,pier test, earth vibration measurement, seismic imaging, shake measurement, refraction or reflection survey. It is extensively applied in engineering exploration, such as irrigation works, power, railway, bridge, civil construction, traffic, etc.. It can also be used in ground water and energy exploration, such as petroleum, coal, and uranium.
Main functions
transient multi-channel surface wave (Rayleigh wave) exploration
shear wave velocity measurement
pier inspection
construction quality inspection
multi-component high-density seismic imaging
shake blow up measurement
field long-term jiggle measurement
shallow refraction and reflection
(1) Groundwork, roadbed and foundation engineering inspection
Groundwork, roadbed cavity and karst exploration;
Quaternary coverage delamination;
Foundation soil type sorting and disease geology investigation;
Physical property delaminating investigation of base soil;
Base reinforcement and roadbed refill grinding quality inspection.
(2) Tunnel engineering inspection
Tunnel line survey and surrounding rock sorting;
Concrete underlayer quality check;
Tunnel bottom check and forward detection;
quake monitoring.
(3) Large- or medium-scale water reservoir monitoring
dam hidden trouble inspection;
Water reservoir bottom sentimental soil and cleanup inspection
Placed objects inspection at large- or medium-scale water hinge site
(4) Bridge engineering inspection
bridge pier base type investigation;
bridge pier concrete quality inspection;
bridge quake monitoring.
(5) Environmental and geological disaster inspection and evaluation
landslide, karst, mudstone flood, mine-out area, active fault investigation.
Main Features:
True 24-bit A/D- fastest sampling rate is 10μs and 50μs for 3 or 6 channels operation.
Perfect display of raw signal- Fine amplitude and phase consistency, super-low Distortion, advanced high-cut filter above 72dB (cut point changeable as sampling frequency, complete delete the possibility of false frequency).
High-speed data transfer- fast USB port connection between device and computer, good performance above other printer ports, unique in China; sampling and transferring simultaneously with advanced hardware.
Momentarily acceptable of trigger signal for sampling during background signal monitoring.
Powerful software- WINDOWS version supports each kinds of seismic working modes data sampling (such as surface wave test, shear wave velocity testing, earth vibration measurement, high density imaging, refraction and shallow reflection). Advanced technique makes the display and scroll very fast; adjustable channel number, maximum 128; convenient amplitude balance display; clear static time ticks.
Flexible configuration, easily extendable-DOS and WINDOWS Version optional.
Reasonable structure layout- anti-quake, anti-humidity, anti-dust.
Technical Specification
6 channels
Sampling points:
1024, 2048, 4096, 819, 16384
1M and multi-notch options for earth vibration measurement
Sampling rate:
10μs, 25μs, 50μs, 100μs, 200μs, 500μs, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms
1ms~200ms and multi-notch options for earth vibration measurement
A / D converter: 24-bit
Signal stack enhancement: 32-bit
Dynamic range: 144dB
Band-pass width: 0.1Hz~4000Hz
Noise : 1μV, all frequency
Amplitude consistency: ±0.2%
Phase consistency: ±0.01ms
Distortion: ±0.05%
Time delay: 0~9999ms
Data format: SEG-2
WINDOWS Version software for Rayleigh surface wave processing
Acquisition and processing software for earth vibration measurement
WINDOWS Version software for shear wave analysis and processing
WINDOWS Version software for refraction wave processing
Temperature range: -10℃~+50℃ 90%RH
Storage temperature: -20℃~+60℃
Power supply: DC12V 0.8A(built-in rechargeable battery DC12V 8AH)
Size: 325mm×235mm×185mm
Borehole Geophone can be choose
Model | DJ | JG | JF |
/ | Electromagnetic borehole geophone series | Piston type borehole geohphone series | Non-adjacent borehole geohphone series |
Frequency (Hz) | 4HZ-100HZ optional | 4HZ-100HZ optional | 4HZ-100HZ optional |
Working Mini Diameter (mm) | Φ70-φ120 | Φ50-φ110 | Φ50 |
Working Temperature | 25~55 | 25~55 | 25~55 |
Diameter(mm) | φ55 | φ50 | φ45 |
Height (mm) | 465 | 500 | 300 |
Weight (kg) | 60m-10kg, 120m-14kg | 60m-12kg,120m-17kg | 60m-60kg,120m-10kg |