Views: 17 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-11-17 Origin: Site
A proton magnetometer is a type of device used in archaeology to measure and map variations in the Earth's magnetic field. This technology is particularly valuable in archaeological surveys because it can detect subsurface features, such as buildings, walls, pits, and other structures, which may not be visible on the surface. When the Earth's magnetic field encounters buried features composed of different materials, it can cause detectable disturbances. By utilizing a proton magnetometer, archaeologists can identify and map these anomalies, providing valuable insights into the layout and history of archaeological sites. This non-invasive technique allows for the detection of archaeological features without the need for excavation, making it a valuable tool for initial site assessment and planning.
The proton magnetometer is an instrument of great. value to archaeologists, particularly for prehistorians, in. its ability to locate buried non-metallic cultural features. such as hearths, burned floors, trash pits, and burials.